Links Big Red Acres is a member of recognized industry associations such as Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association (AOA)
and the New England Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association (NEAOBA). These organizations are an essential lifeline
to all alpaca owners and breeders and provide access to a wealth of information, communication, and educational opportunities.
Links to these great sites and more are provided below.
Alpaca Owners Association: AOA is
a national association that was formed to promote public awareness and growth of the alpaca industry, provide a forum for
education, and to establish and maintain an alpaca registry. It gathers and maintains accurate genealogical records
focusing on the expansion and accuracy of those records. Up-to-date owner and member lists are maintained and new accounts
created for new owners and breeders. Visit the AOA website at New England Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association: NEAOBA
is made up of most of the alpaca owners of this region. Like AOA, NEAOBA promotes the "alpaca lifestyle",
communication, education through seminars and newsletters, and support of local marketing efforts. Click on the logo at
the right to link to the NEAOBA website or, go to The Nunoa Project: Education and support for farmers, students, and veterinarians in the US and
Peru as well as the herders and townspeople of the Peruvian altiplano. Visit them at Dillon
Racing: If you are tired of looking at
alpacas, and instead are interested in something much more daring like boat racing, Bob Dillon provides boat building plans
for build-it-yourself boats. Visit Dillon Racing at